Context-aware applications are applications that are aware of the user's context (e.g. personal preferences, characteristics, agenda) and environment (e.g. people, places and things in the user's vicinity). By leveraging this kind of information, they provide the user with an improved user experience. The ContextModelling Toolkit (CMT) (see Fig. 1) consists of the necessary context modelling concepts and offers a rule-based context processing engine. It further offers the right abstraction to enable end user to interact with the CMT framework
Fig. 1: Context Modelling Toolkit (CMT)
There are a number of research challenges related to the field of context-aware application development. A first challenge is to build frameworks that provide these applications with the required context and environment information. These frameworks should present this data in a high-level way that is easily usable by applications and provide both pull-based (e.g. via queries) and push-based (e.g. via notifications) access to the information. A second challenge is to build useful applications that use this information, in such a way that it alleviates the user from all sorts of tasks; for instance, instead of having the user find useful information, the application can recommend information related to their current context and environment (e.g. nearby restaurants serving a user's favourite cuisine).
The Context Modelling Toolkit: A Unified Multi-layered Context Modelling Approach,
Sandra Trullemans, Lars Van Holsbeeke and Beat Signer,
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (PACMHCI), 1(1), June 2017, presented at EICS 2017, 9th ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems,
Lisbon, Portugal, June 2017 (acceptance rate: 28%)
Context-aware Platform for Mobile Data Management,
Moira C. Norrie, Beat Signer, Michael Grossniklaus, Rudi Belotti, Corsin Decurtins and Nadir Weibel,
Wireless Networks (WINET),
13(6), Springer, December 2007