OpenHPS is an open source hybrid positioning system allowing developers to create a process network with graph topology to compute the position of a person or asset. We provide modules for different positioning methods (e.g. Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or visual positioning) and algorithms. These methods and algorithms are represented as nodes in the processing network. The core OpenHPS module is implemented in TypeScript and distributed in the CommonJS (CJS), ECMAScript (ESM) and Universal Module Definition (UMD) formats. This allows the processing network to run on a server, as a mobile application in the browser or even on embedded systems support JavaScript.
POSO: A Generic Positioning System Ontology,
Maxim Van de Wynckel and Beat Signer,
Proceedings of ISWC 2022, 21st International Semantic Web Conference,
Hangzhou, China, October 2022 (acceptance rate: 19%)
Indoor Positioning Using the OpenHPS Framework,
Maxim Van de Wynckel and Beat Signer,
Proceedings of IPIN 2021, 11th International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, Lloret de Mar, Spain, November 2021