On a daily basis, users struggle to organise and re-find stored text documents, photos or emails. Personal Cross-Media Information Management investigates opportunities to provide users an alternative to the desktop metaphor with its hierarchical organisation of files. Our cross-media PIM solution unifies organisational structures such as email, bookmarks and file hierarchies but also includes physical classification structures such as bookshelves or piles of papers on the desk. Our approach to PIM makes it possible to construct personal cross-media information spaces with less information fragmentation.
Fig. 1: PimVis cross-media user interface
By providing a tool for centralising all the possible ways of storing our information, we allow the user to re-find their information no matter where or how it has been stored. Often, users only need information which is relevant in a certain context, such as the slides of a course when studying for that course. Therefore, we include a context-aware component to provide the user with the context-relevant information instead of the fixed structure provided by hierarchical file systems.
The Context Modelling Toolkit: A Unified Multi-layered Context Modelling Approach,
Sandra Trullemans, Lars Van Holsbeeke and Beat Signer,
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (PACMHCI), 1(1), June 2017, presented at EICS 2017, 9th ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems,
Lisbon, Portugal, June 2017 (acceptance rate: 28%)
Paper-Digital Meeting Support and Review,
Adriana Ispas, Nan Li, Moira C. Norrie and Beat Signer,
Proceedings of CollaborateCom 2010, 6th International Conference on Collaborative Computing,
Chicago, USA, October 2010 (acceptance rate: 37%)