PaperProof is a paper-digital proof-editing application developed in the Global Information Systems (GlobIS)
research group at ETH Zurich that allows users to edit digital documents based on gesture-based markup of printed versions. It interprets the pen strokes made
by the users on paper and can automatically execute the intended editing operations in the digital source document.
PaperProof is able to maintain a mapping between the printed and digital document instances that allows gestures
such as a stroke through a word to be mapped back to the corresponding structural word element within the document.
Further this allows us to maintain this logical mapping even if the digital instance of the document has been edited in parallel.
Fig. 1: Paper document
Currently, PaperProof is integrated with the open source word processing tool OpenOffice Writer. The iDoc publishing
framework supports the transformation of the digital document into an interactive paper document. The interaction with
the interactive document is based on Anoto digital pen and paper technology and is implemented using the iServer/iPaper framework.
Fig. 2: OpenOffice digital document
PaperProof offers a gesture-based interface to trigger editing operations on the corresponding digital instance of
the document. It offers a set of five proof-editing operations: insert, delete, replace, move and annotate.
Fig. 3: Editing Gestures
The editing commands are triggered by an ordered sequence of one or more pen-based gestures optionally followed by
the user’s textual input. We use the iGesture framework to recognise the specific gestures and the MyScript Intelligent
Character Recognition from VisionObjects to translate the textual information into digital string representations. An
identified operation is stored in a special buffer until the paper-digital synchronisation is performed. Optionally,
an acoustic and/or visual message informs the user when the gesture recogniser has identified an operation.
The following operations and corresponding gestures are defined in PaperProof:
DELETE: To issue a delete command the user simply needs to sketch a horizontal line gesture
striking through the content to be removed. The corresponding digital entities are also eliminated.
REPLACE: The replacement of information is performed by first marking the content to be removed with
a horizontal line gesture. Next the user writes the substitute text on paper. The ICR result is used
as a replacement for the original information within the digital source document.
INSERT: To insert content, first a user has to specify the position drawing an inverted caret gesture.
Next, they write down the new information which is recognised by the ICR software and inserted into
the digital document.
ANNOTATION: To annotate structural elements such as paragraphs or sentences, the user first has to
enclose them between the opening and closing horizontal angular bracket gestures. Next, the annotation
is written on paper. Finally, the ICR recognised textual information is added to the original document.
SIDE ANNOTATION: PaperProof also supports side annotations. In this case, the target of the annotation
is indicated by a vertical line gesture. As for the previous operation, the annotation is handwritten
next to the annotated content and in the end inserted into the digital artefact.
MOVE: To move specific pieces of information to different positions, another composite gesture is
used. First, the target entity is marked by sketching an enclosing pair of opening and closing
angular bracket gestures. Then, the user points to the new location of the designated content
with an upwards vertical line gesture.
Related Publications
Pen-based Interaction,
Beat Signer,
Handbook of Human Computer Interaction, Major Reference Work, Springer Nature, 2025
PaperProof: A Paper-Digital Proof-Editing System,
Nadir Weibel, Adriana Ispas, Beat Signer and Moira C. Norrie,
Proceedings of CHI 2008, 26th International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Interactivity Track),
Florence, Italy, April 2008
PaperProof: A Paper-Digital Proof-Editing System,
Nadir Weibel, Beat Signer, Patrick Ponti and Moira C. Norrie,
CoPADD 2007, 2nd International Workshop on Collaborating over Paper and Digital Documents,
London, UK, November 2007
iGesture: A General Gesture Recognition Framework,
Beat Signer, Ueli Kurmann and Moira C. Norrie,
Proceedings of ICDAR 2007, 9th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition,
Curitiba, Brazil, September 2007 (acceptance rate: 26%)