Digital pen technologies bridge the paper-digital divide by enabling user actions on paper to be
tracked. Handwritten notes and sketches can be digitally captured. Active areas on paper can be defined
that link to digital content and services and users activate them by simply touching them with the pen.
Possibilities abound for publishing new forms of interactive documents and providing paper-based
interfaces to applications.
Fig. 1: Interactive Paper user
The Global Information Systems (GlobIS) research group
at ETH Zurich has developed a platform and range of tools to support the rapid prototyping and production of all kinds of
interactive paper applications.
iPaper is a framework that supports the rapid development and deployment of interactive paper applications (e.g. for scientific annotations ).
Active areas can be defined on paper and linked to various forms of digital media and services. By
providing an extensive library of active components, users can rapidly develop a wide range of applications
without having to do any programming. iPaper was developed as a component of iServer, a general cross-media
server, which means that active areas can be linked to and from a wide range of physical and digital media
including web pages, images, video, flash animations, databases and RFID tags as well as application programs.
iGesture is a general and extensible framework to support the development and deployment of gesture recognition
algorithms. The API makes it simple for application developers to define their own gesture-based
interfaces. It is device independent and can be used with a mouse, tablet or digital pen as input.
Authoring and Publishing Tools
Interactive applications are developed by authoring active areas within pages and defining links to digital
content and services. Depending on whether the application is a simple paper-based form interface to an
existing application or a large-scale cross-media publication, different styles of authoring and
publishing are appropriate. We therefore have developed a suite of tools that include support for everything
from the manual authoring of active areas and links to full-scale publishing tools that automatically
generate printable versions of documents and link definitions based either on a semantic analysis of existing
PDF documents or a content publishing approach.
Technologies for Interactive Paper
There are numerous research projects and commercial products related to interactive paper and while they tend to
vary widely in terms of their goals and technologies, most are based on some means of detecting user actions
on paper documents and linking them to actions in the digital world. If paper documents are to be
interactive independent of their physical position or attachment to a special device, then the mechanism
for detecting user actions on paper must rely on some sort of encoding of information on the paper itself. One
approach is to print some sort of link identifier on the paper. For example, barcodes or special icons could
be used to encode unique identifiers that are mapped to digital media files or web pages to be displayed. Another
approach is to encode position information across pages which can be used to track pen position. The advantage
of this approach is that is can be used to capture writing as well as for interaction. Further, since links are
based on relative position within a document rather than simple identifiers, it is possible to find all the
elements within a document that link to a specific target.
Fig. 2: Digital Pen
The Swedish company Anoto developed a technology to track the movement of a pen on
paper to enable the capture of handwriting. A special digital pen has a camera situated alongside the
writing stylus to capture images of an almost invisible pattern of infrared absorbing dots printed on
paper, as indicated in the Fig. 3. The pattern of dots encodes (x,y) positions in a vast virtual document
space. Camera images are recorded and processed in real-time giving up to 100 (x,y) positions per second.
Several pages of handwriting can be captured and stored within the pen before being transmitted to a PC.
While data transmission on demand is sufficient for writing capture, immediate transfer of position data
is required if the digital pen is to be used as an interaction device.
Fig. 3: Anoto paper
Other projects investigated alternative technologies to yield a low-cost solution for
interaction only. Within the previous European project Paper++, a grid of almost invisible
barcodes printed in conductive ink was used to encode position information on paper and a prototype
reader was developed to read position information by measuring the inductivity during a swiping action.
Other solutions have been investigated in the European PaperWorks project.
Related Publications
Pen-based Interaction,
Beat Signer,
Handbook of Human Computer Interaction, Major Reference Work, Springer Nature, 2025
PaperSketch: A Paper-Digital Collaborative Remote Sketching Tool,
Nadir Weibel, Beat Signer, Moira C. Norrie, Herman Hofstetter, Hans-Christian Jetter and Harald Reiterer,
Proceedings of IUI 2011, International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces,
Palo Alto, USA, February 2011 (acceptance rate: 44%)
Paper-Digital Meeting Support and Review,
Adriana Ispas, Nan Li, Moira C. Norrie and Beat Signer,
Proceedings of CollaborateCom 2010, 6th International Conference on Collaborative Computing,
Chicago, USA, October 2010 (acceptance rate: 37%)
Interactive Paper: Past, Present and Future,
Beat Signer and Moira C. Norrie,
Proceedings of PaperComp 2010, 1st International Workshop on Paper Computing,
Copenhagen Denmark, September 2010
Interactive Paper as a Reading Medium in Digital Libraries,
Moira C. Norrie, Beat Signer and Nadir Weibel,
Proceedings of ECDL 2008, 12th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries,
Aarhus, Denmark, September 2008 (acceptance rate: 29%)
Pen and Paper-based Interaction with the Semantic Desktop,
Marcus Liwicki, Kinga Schumacher, Andreas Dengel, Nadir Weibel, Beat Signer and Moira C. Norrie,
Proceedings of DAS 2008, 8th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems,
Nara, Japan, September 2008
Semantic eInk: Pen and Paper-based Interaction with the Semantic Desktop,
Marcus Liwicki, Kinga Schumacher, Andreas Dengel, Nadir Weibel, Beat Signer and Moira C. Norrie,
Demo Proceedings of DAS 2008, 8th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems,
Nara, Japan, September 2008
PaperProof: A Paper-Digital Proof-Editing System,
Nadir Weibel, Adriana Ispas, Beat Signer and Moira C. Norrie,
Proceedings of CHI 2008, 26th International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Interactivity Track),
Florence, Italy, April 2008
Context-aware Platform for Mobile Data Management,
Moira C. Norrie, Beat Signer, Michael Grossniklaus, Rudi Belotti, Corsin Decurtins and Nadir Weibel,
Wireless Networks (WINET),
13(6), Springer, December 2007
Towards Query by Sketch,
Michael Springmann, Adriana Ispas, Heiko Schuldt, Moira C. Norrie andBeat Signer,
Second DELOS Conference on Digital Libraries,
Pisa, Italy, December 2007
PaperProof: A Paper-Digital Proof-Editing System,
Nadir Weibel, Beat Signer, Patrick Ponti and Moira C. Norrie,
CoPADD 2007, 2nd International Workshop on Collaborating over Paper and Digital Documents,
London, UK, November 2007
Producing Interactive Paper Documents Based on Multi-Channel Content Publishing,
Michael Grossniklaus, Moira C. Norrie, Beat Signer and Nadir Weibel,
Proceedings of AXMEDIS 2007, 3rd International Conference on Automated Production of Cross Media Content for Multi-channel Distribution,
Barcelona, Spain, November 2007
iGesture: A General Gesture Recognition Framework,
Beat Signer, Ueli Kurmann and Moira C. Norrie,
Proceedings of ICDAR 2007, 9th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition,
Curitiba, Brazil, September 2007 (acceptance rate: 26%)
DelosDLMS: The Integrated DELOS Digital Library Management System,
Maristella Agosti, Stefano Beretti, Gert Brettlecker, Alberto del Bimbo, Nicola Ferro, Norbert Fuhr, Daniel Keim, Claus-Peter Klas, Thomas Lidy, Moira C. Norrie, Paola Ranaldi, Andreas Rauber, Hans-Jörg Schek, Tobias Schreck, Heiko Schuldt, Beat Signer and Michael Springmann,
DELOS Conference on Digital Libraries,
Pisa, Italy, February 2007
Augmented Paper: Developing Relationships between Digital Content and Paper,
Paul Luff, Guy Adams, Wolfgang Bock, Adam Drazin, David M. Frohlich, Christian Heath, Peter Herdman, Heather King, Nadja Linketscher, Rachel Murphy, Moira C. Norrie, Abigail Sellen, Beat Signer, Ella Tallyn and Emil Zeller,
The Disappearing Computer: Interaction Design, System Infrastructures and Applications for Smart Environments, LNCS 4500,
Putting Location-based Services on the Map,
Michael Grossniklaus, Moira C. Norrie, Beat Signer and Nadir Weibel,
Proceedings of W2GIS 2006, 6th International Symposium on Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems,
Hong Kong, China, December 2006
Print-n-Link: Weaving the Paper Web,
Moira C. Norrie, Beat Signer and Nadir Weibel,
Proceedings of DocEng 2006, ACM Symposium on Document Engineering,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 2006 (acceptance rate: 33%)
Paper-based Mobile Access to Databases,
Beat Signer, Moira C. Norrie, Michael Grossniklaus, Rudi Belotti, Corsin Decurtins and Nadir Weibel,
Demo Proceedings of SIGMOD 2006, ACM International Conference on Management of Data,
Chicago, USA, June 2006
Content Publishing Framework for Interactive Paper Documents,
Moira C. Norrie, Alexios Palinginis and Beat Signer,
Proceedings of DocEng 2005, ACM Symposium on Document Engineering,
Bristol, United Kingdom, November 2005 (acceptance rate: 33%)
Experimental Platform for Mobile Information Systems,
Rudi Belotti, Corsin Decurtins, Moira C. Norrie, Beat Signer and Ljiljana Vukelja,
Proceedings of MobiCom 2005, 11th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking,
Cologne, Germany, August 2005 (acceptance rate: 10%)
Using Paper to Support Collaboration in Educational Activities,
Ella Tallyn, David M. Frohlich, Nadja Linketscher, Beat Signer and Guy Adams,
Proceedings of CSCL 2005, Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning,
Taipei, Taiwan, May 2005 (acceptance rate: 30%)
A Framework for Cross-Media Information Management,
Beat Signer and Moira C. Norrie,
Proceedings of EuroIMSA 2005, International Conference on Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications,
Grindelwald, Switzerland, February 2005
Switching over to Paper: A New Web Channel,
Moira C. Norrie and Beat Signer,
Proceedings of WISE 2003, 4th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering,
Rome, Italy, December 2003 (acceptance rate: 25%)
Digital Annotation of Printed Documents,
Corsin Decurtins, Moira C. Norrie and Beat Signer,
Proceedings of CIKM 2003, 12th International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management,
New Orleans, USA, November 2003
Multi-Layered Cross-Media Linking,
Beat Signer and Moira C. Norrie,
Proceedings of Hypertext 2003, 14th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia,
Nottingham, United Kingdom, August 2003